The HVAC & Solar Business foundations Aug 14, 2023

Warning. This article may be controversial at first glance to some readers, but possibly alter the future business plans of others. This page will share some of our recent research into homeowner demand, what they are looking for and how you can pivot and build your all-year-round business of the...

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The Profit First Day foundations Mar 16, 2022
Are you the type that wonders where all the cash is gone?
Late on payments to the merchants and paying your self the bare minimum?
Always busy and forever chasing your tail? 
What would happen if you began taking your profit first?
You know, the money comes in and you swipe...
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What Is Success? foundations Mar 16, 2022
What is success? How do you measure it? 
Is it a money thing or something else? Are you successful if you are daft busy? Or have you made it if you don't have to work this month? Maybe you are successful if you feel so, regardless of your bank balance?
Peter & Paul
Peter grossed...
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Building Your Service Business foundations Mar 16, 2022
Have you ever done the maths on how many boiler services are required to pay yourself or another engineer a decent wage plus all the overheads necessary? 
In this months Boiler Business Column, we will look at why we should focus our marketing and business systems on attracting and...
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Winters Coming! foundations Mar 16, 2022
Silly Season.. Heating Season.. Busy Season..
Whatever you call it, I think we all can imagine the famous line in Game of Thrones and the uncertainty and sometimes dread that comes with Plumbing Memes stating that  "Winters Coming!"
The annual cycle of grafting your "bolts off" for...
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Knowledge And Direction - Business Pyramid foundations Mar 16, 2022
New year new you! 
Did you make any new year resolutions?
Get fit, lose weight? Stop smoking? Drink less, work less? Spend more time with the kids? Fresh start?
Some people look forward to planning and mapping out some goals for the year or upcoming quarter. It is well known that those who...
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Time is Money / Use your time wisely foundations Mar 04, 2022
Time is Money
If there were only four days in a working week, what would you change?
The phrase "Time is Money" is probably more accurate in the plumbing world than in most other industries. With so much choice of supplier for the end customer, often business owners within our...
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Overheads, Fixed costs & Your Burn Rate foundations Mar 04, 2022
Overheads, Fixed costs & Your Burn Rate
Do you know how much money your business is burning each day, week or month? If the phone does not ring tomorrow, how much will your business cost you to sit in the office or van and wait for it to ring? Can you answer this, or is it just a...
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